Monday, October 30, 2006

Our new friends on my small city.

I had invited two of my good friends SATISH and DEV to be part of this site and showing there love for bhopal they have warmly accepted my invitation. Soon you all will be able to see the lovely thoughts of these two for our city of lakes.
I am not going to leave this opportunity to introduce these two friend of mine to all of you.
first of all about Satish- he is currently doing MCA in oriental institute. One of his quality that I really do like is that he listens each and every word of you very attentively and laugh on every joke of you even they are not worth a penny.
and now about dev- he is doing an advance computer course at NIIT an he is a kind of nerd. One of his quality is that he can tell any anecdote so beautifully that you can see it as its happening right in front of you.
all in all these two are very good at making friend.

|I welcome these friends from bottom of my heart

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